The place of Synchronic in Education. Reflections from the educational action in Times of Pandemic

  • João Gabriel Almeida


We propose to analyze the online teaching mode and the constitution of the IPECAL community, defining what we call P2P circles as an alternative to the MOOC model in education and its reflexes on the role of the educator, from the specificity that synchronicity can fulfill in an educational project. The present theme emerges from the author's experience as coordinator of a Graduate in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, which involves more than 100 students from different countries in Latin America, in particular Colombia, Chile, Mexico and Argentina. Keywords: MOOC, P2P, Popular Education, Potential Present, Improvisation, Synchronic.

Como Citar
ALMEIDA, João Gabriel. The place of Synchronic in Education. Reflections from the educational action in Times of Pandemic. Anais do CIET:EnPED:2020 - (Congresso Internacional de Educação e Tecnologias | Encontro de Pesquisadores em Educação a Distância), São Carlos, ago. 2020. ISSN 2316-8722. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 18 fev. 2025.
CIET:EnPED:2020 - Epistemologia e Produção de conhecimento no contexto da Educação e Tecnologias